Talk about banning foreign vehicles pumping petrol at the border of Malaysia, many have complained and as usual nothing is gonna happened.
From the point of the management, this is a total failure in managing the organization, and now we are talking about the managing the country. The key point our country leader has forgotten is communication. Sending a strong message to people to take certain action and to implement certain policy, without preparing the people is failure...
See what our neighbour country has done, the country leader was sending the message to people through different channel saying that the are going to open a casino, of course many voices of protest come from all over the place. The leaders have also using media and survey to ask people opinion about the casino, lets the people voice out their concerns and unhappiness. Ultimately the project of casino still carry on...
This is a good tactic to communicate so called the bad news to the public, and let the public to protest and comment, but ultimately, everyone know the project will still carry on.. but at least the announcement come only after few months later, when everyone has silently accept the fact.
Our friend learn this trick about 20%, they announce that some plans in implementing differential of petrol pricing is going to take place, using our cute identity card which come with the chip (which never been used for decades). Then, out of sudden, the banning of petrol at borders 50km was implemented, and somemore being propose for several times. Later, then talk about the subsidy plan for the Malaysian who owns the Singapore registered car. haha
See the conclusion about the decision:
1) Never think properly before making decision, never think of different scenario which gonna to happen, eg, Malaysian who owns Singapore car, then how...
2) Poor implementation and Management style. Never get the people to prepare for the change.
3) Poor planning. The leaders not sure how to plan and implement, things keep delaying.
4) Leader themselves not sure the possibility. Later say using IC chip, and for sure then later they found out some technical issue and subsequently change the plan, and some more say temporary measure.
Aiyo .. make up your mind and do your homework before you plan or implement something.
Simple thing also like that, some more talk about managing a country.